Sunday, August 26, 2012

Napoleonic Bubs

     Made in the summer of 2010, this power point revisits the plights of being a midget. What starts off as a fun day at Six Flags, leads to Pedro realizes the short-comings of being short. He, then decides to start a club to help out midgets with the help of the new character, Sparks, who steals the show.
     Contrairy to my last comic, which was one of my longest comics, this comic is the shortest. This comic also has more dark humor than my other comics, so be warned. This comic is also the most random, and it has one of my favorite endings.
     After this cartoon, I took a break for the rest of 2010, to work on my first three youtube cartoons (


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bubs Drug of Choice

     Similar to two of my earlier comics, this comic also starts of with an even older comic with the same subject as the main story. Written and drawn between January and May 2010, this comic uses the common childs love of candy to parody drug use. Since I never used drugs, most of the references come from the usual drug clichés that I've seen on tv or heard from my high school.
     Unlike all the comics I made up to this point, I didn't have an ending in mind when I started working on the story. I only had a vaugue idea of the plot, and as a result, this comic is alot longer than my other comics. Near the middle of the story, I put in my commentary on how cartoons from  the 2000s and especially now are no where near as good as the ones from the 90s. This comic also has my favorite title and Danielowski head-exploading gag.